Hi All,
Not a lot going on today other than summer is here.
Day7 (-15) Matt and I continued to clean the timber framing plus looking at more old stuff, I mean items of historical value. they have found some old canned food dated in 1956, the label reads. Real Indian Curry, but around the tin it also reads ‘made in China’, guess nothing really changes :o) They also found an old choc bar where some one had taken the time to remove the middle section, guess they thought no one would ever know.
There are more seals and their pups coming into Scott Base as the season warms up. A group of scientists are out taking samples from the emperor penguins (the largest of the lot). They told us they can grow up to 1.2m tall and weigh up to
60kg… yep look a lot like me, but lighter I know. This one scientist has the job of tackling then to the ground while they complete the testing, they legally only have 5 minutes per penguin so not a lot of time.
Right, washing must be finished by now, will the work never end.
Missing you all, see you for Christmas Ric